Visbook Engine

The Visbook Engine is responsible for all real-time calculations in Visbook. Outages here will in many scenarios also affect other systems. This is the primary Visbook engine connection.


  1. Percent Uptime
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  2. Incidents Reported
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  3. Response Time (ms)
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  4. TCP Connection Time (ms)
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  5. Initial Response Time (ms)
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  6. Initial Response Transfer Time (ms)
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  7. Request Transfer Time (ms)
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  8. Request Response Time (ms)
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  9. Request Response Transfer Time (ms)
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  10. Disconnection Time (ms)
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  11. Total Elapsed Time (ms)
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Senaste historik

Inga händelser på 15 dagar!
Issues with restaurant reservations
2 berörda tjänster:
Inga händelser på 14 dagar!
Internet connectivity issue
Core Functionality / Visbook Engine