Visbook Engine

The Visbook Engine is responsible for all real-time calculations in Visbook. Outages here will in many scenarios also affect other systems. This is the primary Visbook engine connection.


No events for 15 days!
Issues with restaurant reservations
2 Affected Services:
No events for 14 days!
Internet connectivity issue
Core Functionality / Visbook Engine
No events for 28 days!
Slow Response Times
Core Functionality / Visbook Engine
No events for about 1 month!
Network instability
5 Affected Services:
No events for 25 days!
System outage
2 Affected Services:
No events for 26 days!
Planned outage due to datacenter relocation
5 Affected Services:
No events for about 1 month!
Service outage
5 Affected Services:
No events for 2 months!
Undergoing Scheduled Maintenance
5 Affected Services: